In case the school need assistance, has a question, suggestion or a training request they can raise tickets to reach out to SkoolTree. All the issues faced by the school will be resolved ONLY THROUGH TICKETS raised by the concerned school admin(s)/Principal’s login. 

While on one hand, this will safeguard the school security it will also ensure that all the issues are resolved promptly, always.  

The tickets can be categorized according to the following categories: 

Normal (3-4 working days)- Normal issues have isolated impact and may have workarounds. Most issues are considered normal.

High (2-3 working days)- this is used for issues that are not critical, but that does have a significant impact or are important. These issues are prioritised in the current development phase.

Critical (within a working day)- failure in online payment, login errors on App/Connect portal, non-functional issues can be reported under critical priority. 

Based on the urgency of the issue, the SkoolTree support team will address the query. This will also create a history that can later be accessed to understand the problems faced by the school (if any).

Ticket status namely Open, Work in Progress and Closed can be monitored anytime using the filters. The moment a ticket is closed the school Admin will get an automated mail and an app notification informing that the issue has been resolved.